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Dramox is now available on your phone as an app.
Dramox is now available for download on Google Play and App Store, meaning an even more comfortable watching of your cherished arts performances than before
- DramoxMobile app for iOS and Android
As with previous work for the client, ELEVUP was in charge of the complete design and development of the mobile application
Work on the wireframes and UX and UI designs went swiftly because of the experience of elevup’s designers and because elevup previously designed the Dramox online web platform and its TV apps. Development and subsequent testing took a mere month and a half following the design phase.
“We wrote the mobile application in the cross-platform framework Flutter. However, to ensure a great user experience, we have programmed video players for the Android and iOS platforms separately in the native languages Swift and Kotlin.”
The app is free for download on the iOS and Android platforms.
Make sure to download Dramox and for one monthly price, enjoy theatre performances from theatres such as Dejvické divadlo, Divadlo Na Fidlovačce, Divadlo Archa, Divadlo J.K. Tyla v Plzni, and others. You can also support your preferred theatres by direct donations on